A urinary catheter may be inserted into your bladder. healthlibrary.b...amandwomens.org healthlibrary.b...amandwomens.org |
Es posible [...] que se le inserte un catter urinario en la vejiga. healthlibrary.b...amandwomens.org healthlibrary.b...amandwomens.org |
A urinary catheter in the bladder drains [...] urine until the patient is able to void on his own. azkidsheart.com azkidsheart.com |
Un catter urinario en la vejiga drena [...] la orina hasta que el paciente es capaz de vaciarla por s mismo. azkidsheart.com azkidsheart.com |
The primary objective was to determine which type [...] of in-dwelling urinary catheter is best to use [...] for long-term bladder drainage in adults. cochrane.org cochrane.org |
El objetivo principal fue determinar cul tipo [...] de sonda urinaria permanente es mejor para el [...] drenaje vesical a largo plazo en adultos. cochrane.org cochrane.org |
A urinary catheter will be inserted into [...] the bladder during surgery, and will be kept in place for a period of time afterwards, often for one to two weeks. content.jeffersonhospital.org content.jeffersonhospital.org |
Un catter urinario se inserta en la [...] vejiga durante la ciruga, y se mantendr en vigor durante un perodo de tiempo despus, [...] a menudo de una a dos semanas. content.jeffersonhospital.org content.jeffersonhospital.org |
If labor continues for more than a few hours after the [...] epidural, you may need a urinary catheter. scasouthjersey.com scasouthjersey.com |
Si el trabajo de parto contina durante unas horas despus de la epidural, [...] tal vez necesite un catter urinario. scasouthjersey.com scasouthjersey.com |
Some people need a permanent urinary catheter to drain urine from their body. mercydesmoines.org mercydesmoines.org |
Algunas personas necesitan una sonda vesical permanente para drenar la orina de su cuerpo. mercydesmoines.org mercydesmoines.org |
Alpha blocker treatment for men to increase [...] chances to have urinary catheter successfully removed www2.cochrane.org www2.cochrane.org |
Tratamiento con alfabloqueantes para hombres para que aumenten las [...] perspectivas de un retiro exitoso de la sonda [...] urinaria www2.cochrane.org www2.cochrane.org |
A urinary catheter is any tube system placed in the body to drain and collect urine from the bladder. missionhospitals.org missionhospitals.org |
Es cualquier sistema de sondas que se coloca en el cuerpo para drenar y recolectar orina de la vejiga. missionhospitals.org missionhospitals.org |
Once the urinary catheter is removed, you may have [...] trouble controlling your bladder for a time. southwestftwendo.com southwestftwendo.com |
Una vez que se retire el catter urinario, puede tener dificultad [...] para controlar su vejiga por un tiempo. southwestftwendo.com southwestftwendo.com |
To assess the effects of alpha blockers on successful resumption of micturition following removal of a urethral urinary catheter after an episode of acute urinary retention in men. www2.cochrane.org www2.cochrane.org |
Evaluar los efectos de los alfabloqueantes sobre la reanudacin exitosa de la miccin despus de la extraccin de una sonda urinaria uretral tras un episodio de retencin urinaria aguda en hombres. www2.cochrane.org www2.cochrane.org |
Treatments include a permanent urinary catheter, using a catheter intermittently whenever the bladder needs to be emptied, an external sheath [...] catheter fitted to the penis, or timed voiding [...] which involves regular emptying of the bladder at timed intervals. cochrane.org cochrane.org |
Los tratamientos [...] incluyen el uso de un catter urinario permanente, el uso de un catter intermitente cuando la vejiga necesita vaciarse, un catter externo tipo [...] vaina o camisa colocado [...] en el pene, o la evacuacin cronometrada que incluye el vaciado regular de la vejiga en intervalos cronometrados. cochrane.org cochrane.org |
Stones or [...] sediment in the urinary catheter or drainage bag missionhospitals.org missionhospitals.org |
Clculos o sedimento en la sonda vesical o bolsa de drenaje missionhospitals.org missionhospitals.org |
You'll probably be [...] sent home with a urinary catheter in your bladder. southwestftwendo.com southwestftwendo.com |
Probablemente, usted ser [...] enviado a casa con un catter urinario en su vejiga. southwestftwendo.com southwestftwendo.com |
Urinary pain, burning, or urgency; [...] frequent urination or persistent blood loss in your [...] urine (because of a urinary catheter which was inserted [...] during surgery) scasouthjersey.com scasouthjersey.com |
Dolor, ardor o urgencia urinarios; orinar con [...] frecuencia o prdida sangunea persistente en su [...] orina (debido a un catter urinario que se insert [...] durante la ciruga) scasouthjersey.com scasouthjersey.com |
A urinary catheter is a small, soft [...] tube placed in the bladder. mercydesmoines.org mercydesmoines.org |
Una sonda vesical es un tubo o sonda [...] pequea y suave que se coloca en la vejiga. mercydesmoines.org mercydesmoines.org |
A tube called a urinary catheter inserted into [...] your urinary tract missionhospitals.org missionhospitals.org |
Un tubo llamado sonda vesical introducido en [...] las vas urinarias missionhospitals.org missionhospitals.org |
Short term urinary catheter policies following urogenital surgery [...] in adults cochrane.org cochrane.org |
Uso de sondas urinarias a corto plazo posterior a la ciruga urogenital [...] en adultos cochrane.org cochrane.org |
Urinary catheter policies for long-term bladder drainage cochrane.org cochrane.org |
Normas para el uso de sondas vesicales para el drenaje vesical prolongado cochrane.org cochrane.org |
After this is done, a urinary catheter (tube to drain urine [...] into a bag) will be left in your urethra and bladder. southwestftwendo.com southwestftwendo.com |
Despus que se realiza [...] esto, se deja un catter urinario (tubo para drenar [...] orina dentro de una bolsa) en su uretra y vejiga. southwestftwendo.com southwestftwendo.com |
A tube or urinary catheter is left in your bladder to [...] drain urine. mercydesmoines.org mercydesmoines.org |
En la vejiga [...] se deja una sonda o catter urinario para drenar la orina. mercydesmoines.org mercydesmoines.org |
The artificial sphincter must be turned off if you [...] need to have a urinary catheter placed. mercydesmoines.org mercydesmoines.org |
El esfnter artificial debe apagarse si usted [...] necesita que le coloquen una sonda vesical. mercydesmoines.org mercydesmoines.org |
One of its founders, Benjamin Franklin, alone [...] was responsible for inventing the lightning rod, the Franklin stove, bifocal glasses, [...] and the flexible urinary catheter. america.gov america.gov |
Uno de sus fundadores, Benjamn Franklin, invent el pararrayos, la estufa Franklin, las gafas [...] bifocales y la sonda urinaria flexible. america.gov america.gov |
A narrow [...] drainage tube (urinary catheter) is temporarily [...] inserted into the bladder through the penis to allow drainage of urine. www2.cochrane.org www2.cochrane.org |
Un tubo de drenaje estrecho (sonda urinaria) se [...] inserta temporalmente en la vejiga a travs del pene para permitir el drenaje de orina. www2.cochrane.org www2.cochrane.org |
If a urinary catheter is left in place for long [...] periods of time, bacteria will grow in it. mercydesmoines.org mercydesmoines.org |
Si se deja un catter urinario colocado durante [...] largos perodos de tiempo, las bacterias se multiplicarn all. mercydesmoines.org mercydesmoines.org |
A urinary catheter is often needed for a short time [...] following surgery. scasouthjersey.com scasouthjersey.com |
Con frecuencia se requiere un catter urinario durante un corto [...] periodo de tiempo despus de la ciruga. scasouthjersey.com scasouthjersey.com |
Depending on the success of treatment and [...] other medical problems the person may have, some people [...] may require a urinary catheter to drain urine [...] from the bladder. missionhospitals.org missionhospitals.org |
Dependiendo del xito de tratamiento y de otros problemas [...] mdicos que el individuo pueda tener, algunas personas [...] pueden requerir un sonda vesical para drenar la [...] orina de la vejiga. missionhospitals.org missionhospitals.org |
If a urinary catheter is left in place [...] for a long time, bacteria will grow in it. nwchc.com nwchc.com |
Si se deja una sonda vesical puesta [...] por mucho tiempo, las bacterias se multiplicarn all. nwchc.com nwchc.com |
If you had only part of your bladder removed, you [...] may need to have a urinary catheter (a tube to drain urine [...] that is inserted through your [...] urethra and into your bladder) left in place for some time. southwestftwendo.com southwestftwendo.com |
Si slo se le extirp parte de su vejiga, podra necesitar [...] que le coloquen un catter urinario (un tubo que se inserta [...] a travs de su uretra y dentro [...] de su vejiga para drenar orina) durante algn tiempo. southwestftwendo.com southwestftwendo.com |
A tube called a urinary catheter inserted in your bladder nwchc.com nwchc.com |
Un tubo llamado sonda vesical que se introduce [...] en la vejiga nwchc.com nwchc.com |
You may need a tube inserted into [...] your bladder (urinary catheter) so that doctors [...] can see how much fluid your body removes. missionhospitals.org missionhospitals.org |
Es posible que se necesite una sonda [...] insertada en la vejiga (sonda vesical), de manera [...] que los mdicos puedan observar qu tanto [...] lquido est eliminando el cuerpo. missionhospitals.org missionhospitals.org |
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