I was wondering, on a first date, is "gentlemanly" to gently touch a woman on the small of her back when she moves in front of you, or perhaps when you lean in and listen to what she has to say in loud area?
I think the reason for my post here, really stems deeper for the real motive.
To not to be friendzoned...I think a lot of guys, this might happen with first dates, if you treat a woman as a male buddy, she might automatically stick you in the FZ if you don't automatically do anything flirty, or slight physical touch. If you sit there with your arms crossed while talking to her or your hands at your side all the time, she might not think you're interested because you didn't show an inkling of affection.
Though, I heard on the OTHER side of the coin, a female friend told me she did online dating for the first time, and she went out with a guy, and was a little TOO handsy.
He would put his arm around her waist almost too much, and would hold her a little too close. And when sitting on the bench waiting for a table, he would put his hand on her knee or lap...making her very uncomfortable.
She described him to be acting as if they were a couple.
Now I don't do it in the way she describes, but I like to throw in a slight physical touch, and the back of her arm or the small of her back GENTLY might be the way to go?