•Espasmos musculares dolorosos asociados a trastornos estáticos y funcionales de columna vertebral (cervicales o lumbares) o tras intervenciones quirúrgicas (E: off-label).
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•Espasmos musculares dolorosos asociados a trastornos estáticos y funcionales de columna vertebral (cervicales o lumbares) o tras intervenciones quirúrgicas (E: off-label). •Espasticidad debida a trastornos neurológicos (esclerosis múltiple, mielopatía crónica, trastornos degenerativos de médula espinal, ACV, parálisis cerebral) (E: off-label).
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Comité de Medicamentos de la Asociación Española de Pediatría. Pediamécum. Edición 2015. ISSN 2531-2464. . Disponible en: https://pi-web.eu/comite-medicamentos/pediamecum/tizanidina. Consultado el 25/11/2024.
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Toe-tourniquet syndrome is a rare and commonly misdiagnosed condition caused by a hair or a fiber wrapped around digits (fingers and toes). A four months baby girl who was crying and presented with redness and swelling at her 2nd and 3rd toes of ...
In this operation a small cut on the top of your Big toe is made taking care to protect the big toe tendon. The joint is then inspected. The bone spur on the back of the joint is resected with a saw. The cartilage of the main joint can also be cleaned out. Any other bone spurs from the joint will be removed at the same time and any loose cartilage or bone fragments washed out.
La indigestión (dispepsia) es una sensación vaga de malestar en la parte superior del abdomen o el vientre. Frecuentemente se presenta durante o inmediatamente después de comer. Se puede sentir como: