From a user who posted as an answer elsewhere: I cooked the 22 pound turkey way to early. It's done at 10:30 and we aren't eating till 4:00. Right now I have it sitting in the roaster covered with towels and aluminum foil...
Cascabel♦Cascabel58. 6k26 gold badges186 silver badges324 bronze badges If possible I'd remove it from the oven and slice it up and put it in the fridge to cool it down as fast as possibl...
MaxMax20. 5k1 gold badge37 silver badges53 bronze badges If you have the oven space available (ie, you aren't using it for something else), you can wrap it in foil, and keep it in a low oven. The breast meat may end up overcooking, but if ...
JoeJoe82. 1k18 gold badges164 silver badges473 bronze badges Our 23 lb turkey was ready 2hrs early. Took it out of the oven, popped on the roasting pan lid and let it rest...
LoliLoli113 bronze badges...