On This Page How much water do I need during pregnancy? Why is drinking water so important during pregnancy? ...
How much water do I need during pregnancy?During pregnancy, it’s important to drink 64 to 96 ounces (or 8 to 12 cups) of water every day, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). For perspective, that means you’ll need to drink down Stanley’s TikTok-famous ...
Why is drinking water so important during pregnancy?Water makes up roughly 60% of the body and it plays a key role in almost every bodily function, like nutrient absorption, digestion, waste removal, and temperature regulation. When you’re carrying a baby, the importance of water increases. You ...
What happens if I don’t drink enough water while pregnant?When you’re pregnant, you’re already more susceptible to swelling, urinary tract infections, constipation, and hemorrhoids. Add dehydration to the mix, and your risk goes even higher for all the above. In addition, not getting proper ...
How do I know if I am dehydrated in pregnancy?Thirst is only one sign of dehydration, which is when your body loses fluids faster than you can take them in. Here are some other clues you’re dehydrated in pregnancy:You’re unable to urinate. You’re producing less urine than usual...
How can I increase my water intake during pregnancy?Drink more water! But of course, you already know that! Here are some tips to help make that happen—plus, other strategies to keep you well hydrated throughout your pregnancy:Jazz up your water. Add lemon or lime slices, cucumber slices, frozen ...
How do I stay hydrated with morning sickness?Morning sickness affects 70% of all pregnant people—and the less hydrated you are, the more nauseated you’ll get! To help hydrate when you’re feeling icky, try to:Suck ice cubes. Eat popsicles made with 100% fruit juice. Drink with cold water, which...
How much water should I drink while breastfeeding?Nursing parents lose an average of 25 ounces of fluid each day through their breastmilk. If those fluids aren’t constantly replaced with water and other liquids, your breastmilk supply will falter. After all, breastmilk is more than 80% water...