AbstractAbdominoplasty is a major surgical procedure met with high rates of patient satisfaction and improved self-image. While many patients are lured abroad due to discounted prices for such highly requested procedures, unfortunately, there are also associated complications. A 47-year-old woman ...
The patient's ventral view with initial dehiscence and flap necrosis. The patient was in obvious distress, and when inquired if she wanted to return to the operating surgeon in Mexico, she declined. Prior to the surgical procedure, the patient weighed 58...
The patient's ventral view with healing contracted wound following initial debridement. One month from the debridement procedure, the patient returned for second debridement and closure of her abdominal wound (Figure 3). After undermining the abdominal flap superiorly, the abdominal and groin skin ...
Excised abdominal wound and skin edges (7. 75 cm). 2...
The patient's ventral view following wound debridement and closure. 3. DiscussionPlastic surgery abroad and medical tourism have grown in popularity over the last decade, especially with growing acceptance for cosmetic procedures...