When did your toddler stop falling out of bed? | Mumsnet

I've just converted my 2.4yo DD's cot into a cotbed - about a week ago. Since then she has occasionally stayed in the bed all night, but most nights s...

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ScreamIfYouWantToGoFaster · 24/08/2014 23:35

I've just converted my 2.4yo DD's cot into a cotbed - about a week ago. Since then she has occasionally stayed in the bed all night, but most nights she's fallen out once or twice. The bed is very low, the carpet in her room is very thick and there's a thick soft rug right where she lands. Sometimes she sleeps through the fall, sometimes it wakes her.

The obvious solution is to get a bedguard I know, but my concern is that if I use a bedguard to stop her falling out of her nice low cotbed, how will she learn to stay in the bed without falling off before I move her into a full size single bed?

Ultimately I'm asking whether it makes sense to let her continue to sleep without a bedguard in the hope that she'll figure out how to stay in the bed - and if you agree how long do you think it's likely to take?! If she's still falling out regularly in a month's time does that mean she's too young to get the hang of it, and perhaps I should put on a bedguard and try again in a few months?

BlackbirdOnTheWire · 24/08/2014 23:41

My son is 2.6. He hasn't yet fallen out of bed - he's been in a toddler bed with a low guard since 13m, and without the guard for maybe 3 or 4 months.

We've got a standard toddler bed (JL or mothercare, can't remember), but I bought the Ikea rail because it's only 3” or so high - just enough to serve as a reminder that it's the edge, but not enough that they wedge themselves up against it like they (or is it just my DC?) did against the cot sides.

It's the Vikare rail, £10.

Artistic · 24/08/2014 23:41

At around 3.5 years. I didn't use a guard, just rolled a blanket & put it on the open side...she got used to it & automatically learnt to stay on the safe side of the bed.

sunnyrosegarden · 24/08/2014 23:54

Youngest never fell out. He is a very tidy sleeper.

Eldesr, on the other hand... He's 10 years old, and still sleeps hanging off the edge.

ScreamIfYouWantToGoFaster · 25/08/2014 00:24

Thanks all! Very helpful! I like the idea of something that will indicate she's reached the side of the bed without actually blocking her from falling off. Blackbird my DD always used to sleep pressed up against the sides of the cot as well! I'll be picking up a Vikare rail later this week, and trying out the rolled up blanket tonight!

Theyaremysunshine · 25/08/2014 21:10

DS is extremely wriggly. He went into a full size single at 2 and is now 4 years old.

We started with a foam bumper under the sheet to act as a warning that it was the side of the bed! as mentioned above. Though a rolled up towel or blanket would do the same job. We also turned the single duvet around to lie horizontally and tucked it in both sides, so he sleeps in an envelope. We still do that now as he finds it comforting (and warm!).

They stop falling out when they've gained a sense of position and balance. Letting them fall out of bed in the meantime won't speed that up IMO, they just need to have some time.

Cot beds are quite narrow so I'm sure they'll be fine by the time they get to a normal bed.

We got foam bed guards that went under the sheets. Still use them when we go away and sleep on higher beds. Rolled up towels would have sufficed though!

Misty9 · 25/08/2014 22:07

Ds is nearly 3 and we've just put his bed guard back onto his full size single bed after having night waking issues. Turns out he was falling out a lot more than we thought as he now generally sleeps through. He just turns himself sideways in his sleep. Did the same in his cot bed but it was so low to the floor it didn't usually wake him. Might try rolled up towel when we go away in a couple of weeks though.

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DS still sometimes falls out (4.5).

What type of bedcovers does she have. You could try using a sheet (under any duvet). Tucking the sheet in at bottoms and sides: the resistance of the tucked in sheet should help keep her in (assuming she doesn't just climb out of the sheets etc). When I was a kid, I always had a sheet and a duvet/blanket over that. Or just a sheet on hot nights. Now days, most people just have a duvet (we just use a duvet, so does son).

BertieBotts · 25/08/2014 23:25

About five years.

I wish I'd got a bed guard. I think it's just a thing they develop, nothing to do with learning. I kept thinking DS would get there and he just didn't for a really long time.

Cockadoodledooo · 26/08/2014 00:01

Ds2 has a bed rail at home. We're staying at friend's at the moment and didn't bring it with us, we've had to put him back twice tonight so far. He'll be 5 in 2 months...

Tbf if ds1 (10) wasn't in a high sleeper he'dprobably fall out every night given howmuch he rolls around!

MiaowTheCat · 26/08/2014 07:41

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