Calcium D Glucarate eliminates testosterone?

It's been shown that calcium d glucarate eliminates estrogen metabolites faster. But it also shows that it eliminates ALL steroids including DHEA and testosterone. Can anyone on here comment on this? Or being on TRT and using CDG is not an issue?

It's been shown that calcium d glucarate eliminates estrogen metabolites faster. But it also shows that it eliminates ALL steroids including DHEA and testosterone. Can anyone on here comment on this? Or being on TRT and using CDG is not an issue?

Sounds like a load of crap to me.

CDG isn't doing anything besides lightening your wallet. First hand reports are purely subjective that it did this or that to improve a guy's overall feeling(s). No harm in trying it, typical dose is 500mg twice a day.

In rats given 10% of the diet as calcium-D-glucarate, serum estrogen has been noted to be reduced 23% relative to control.[6] Although 10% of the diet is approximately 1,000mg/kg (estimated human equivalent based upon body weight conversions), 200mg/kg should be somewhat similarly effective (see dosing section).

Although no studies have directly investigated the excretion of testosterone, it is known to be glucuronidated[18][19] and inhibition of glucuronidation is a mechanism by which green tea catechins are thought to increase testosterone in the body;[20] it is wholly plausible that serum testosterone is reduced following glucaric acid supplementation, but currently not demonstrated.

Calcium-D-Glucarate Supplement - Science-based Review on Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects

Translation: if i take 100grams of cdg my estrogen will drop 23%

I don't care if it drops my estrogen 1%. I do care if it messes with my testosterone though.

Well if you believe cdg messes with your testosterone based on that rat study then you must also believe green tea increases testosterone.

I was pretty sure green tea lowers test.

Interested in this as I have had consistently poor reactions to CDG, especially pre TRT. Unfortunately I did not get blood work to back it up, but noticed a sharp decrease in mood and libido.

It's much less evident on TRT but I definitely have not noticed any significant or positive changes.

Also after years of experimenting with tons of supplements, the only 2 I still take that actually do something, and don't cause issues are vitamin D3 (and just 2000IU), and magnesium. Needless to say I've become less interested in using my time and money experimenting.


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