Okay to have sex after a membrane sweep? - December 2014 Babies | Forums | What to Expect

Got my membrane swept today, is it okay to have sex or should I just wait to see if it does anything? Would it help the process?

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Got my membrane swept today, is it okay to have sex or should I just wait to see if it does anything? Would it help the process?

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My midwife advice after membrane sweep today was to go home and have sex!!go for it!

Lol I was gonna ask the same thing!


I had sex twice after my membrane sweep on December 2...was in labor at hospital the next night! I also walked a mile the morning after sweep and bounced on my yoga ball a lot!


Sounds like great advice! I will be doing the same!

Thank you for asking this! I'm scared but will try to try to try to want to try to have sex. Bahahaha

I had one Thursday, and you are safe to have sex, but I was bleeding, and sore, she really went to town on the sweeping. We have had sex since though, just not that night.

Well we just did the dirty, we'll see if anything happens!

Grrrr... I don't think it did anything for me... I imagine I'd be cramping by now. This baby girl is staying in as long as she can. I give up, just gonna let nature take it's course, until I have to be induced. Guess the best advice really is to just sleep. :/ oh well.

It can take 48 hours to work. I had mine done monday, walked, had sex, lost some plug overnight. Going to have do it again tonight and hope for some progress!

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