Hi Pathology Colleagues, I wanted to address a few recent denials I am seeing and alert you so that together, we can be proactive coding these scenarios. First, you receive the EOB (Explanation of B... [ Read More ]
I would have used the same N88.2. Who is advising N88.2 is not correct? The scar tissue is causing stricture. Note: There are exclusion notes on N88.2. Excludes1: stricture and stenosis of cer... [ Read More ]
57522 might be appropriate if the physician removed the polyp while doing a conization. Otherwise, I would use 57500 for cervical biopsy, or 57460 if colpo was used. The use of the LEEP machine doe... [ Read More ]
Provider performed a removal of cervical mass using the LEEP machine. How should this be coded? Can I use the LEEP CPT code 57522 with dx code N84.1 endocervical polyp? Any advise would be really appr... [ Read More ]
The doctor performs a hysteroscopy, D&C and an endometrial ablation (Novasure) due to menorrhagia. A specimen from the D&C is sent to the lab and the pathology returns with a polyp as the diagnosis. ... [ Read More ]
I have a patient who is getting an IUD and is 65 years old. She is NOT on Medicare and refuses to take it. She had a hysteroscopy 58558 for polyp N84.0. At the time of her hscope, she had an IUD ... [ Read More ]