I refrigerated ds's antibiotics when you're not supposed to - what harm could it have done? | Mumsnet

Ds is on his next lot of AB's, I got them on Friday and put them in the fridge because that's what I had to do with a different sort he had before -...

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emkana · 12/11/2006 10:41

Ds is on his next lot of AB's, I got them on Friday and put them in the fridge because that's what I had to do with a different sort he had before -
then today by chance I saw on the bottle that it says do not refrigerate -
do I need to worry/do anything?

OP posts:

shazronnie · 12/11/2006 10:45

Call NHS direct and they will be able to check if they will be ok.

NannyL · 12/11/2006 10:46

if it said do NOT refridgerate then the cold temperature could have killed the bit in the medicine that works...

go to Dr and get new prescription (uncle is adrugs developer who invents and makes medicines... hace had it drummed into me SOOO many times how important storage instructions and use by dates are especially on medication)

sorry if thats not u want to here but i guess its an easy mistake and Dr will prescribe more if u ask!

Sparkler1 · 12/11/2006 10:47

second phoning NHS direct

emkana · 12/11/2006 10:47

Just tried them - it said they are exceptionally busy at present, only available for urgent problems

OP posts:

NotQuiteCockney · 12/11/2006 10:54

I'd go ask a pharmacist, they'll know better than NHS direct.

I suspect they'll be fine, though. They probably just don't need refrigeration.

shazronnie · 12/11/2006 10:57

I was about to suggest calling a pharmacy - a large Boots will prob have one open on Sunday - or a supermarket with instore pharmacy should have someone on hand.

emkana · 12/11/2006 10:59

I'm totally confused now.
I just googled the medicine and under storage instructions it said on one site that you can keep it either at room temp or in the fridge,
on two other sites it said must store in fridge.

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NotQuiteCockney · 12/11/2006 11:02

I really doubt that refrigerating it will do it any harm. Freezing it might, but refrigerating it wouldn't. I suspect it says "don't refrigerate" because this particular version doesn't need to be kept cold.

Should be fine. Best to cal a pharmacy for reassurance - just check which one is open on a Sunday in your area. Local press usually tells you or large supermarket may have one.

emkana · 13/11/2006 09:26

I don't know what's happened to my brain -
I finally realized yesterday that my uncle in Germany actually is a pharmacist - so I gave him a call and he said it was okay.
[doh emoticon]
Thanks for all your posts!

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